T-Mobile Galaxy Note 7 update rolling out soon to limit battery charge to 60 percent


Samsung has confirmed this update battery-limited update. The company also explains that its recall pop-up notifications will appear every time that the Note 7 is charging, rebooted, and every time that the screen is turned on. Finally, Samsung says that nearly 85 percent of Note 7s in the US have been returned to date.


Now that the Galaxy Note 7 has been recalled and discontinued, Samsung and T-Mobile are urging Note 7 owners to return their devices. For those that haven’t, a new update is coming your way that’ll make the Note 7 a bit more difficult to use.

T-Mobile today announced a new Galaxy Note 7 update to version N930TUVU2APK1. The update will begin rolling out tomorrow, November 5, and the purpose of it is to make using the Note 7 day to day more difficult in the hopes that anyone still using the device will be forced to turn it in. For example, T-Mo says that this update will limit the Note 7’s battery charge to 60 percent.

Here’s the full changelog of this update, as shared by T-Mobile:

  • Battery charge limited to 60%
  • Battery indicator color is changing to grey
  • Recall pop-up notification appears more frequently

This move from Samsung and T-Mobile isn’t quite as drastic as the one being taken in New Zealand, where all Note 7 phones are being blocked from mobile network access on November 18, but it’ll get pretty annoying for anyone still using a Note 7. That’s kind of the point, though. So if you’re still using a Note 7 and don’t plan on exchanging it for another device, prepare for a 60 percent charge limit and a nagging pop-up notification.

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